1826 Fixer Upper in Wentworth, North Carolina

Looking for a project? Check out this old house built in 1826 in Wentworth, North Carolina. It’s on one acre of land, and the buildings around it are really nice. This house has a big front porch where you can sit and relax. Inside, there are hardwood floors and some nice old-fashioned details like baseboards, built-in shelves, and chair rails. The bathrooms are a bit strange in their layout, but that can be part of the fun in fixing them up.

The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, making it a good size for a family or anyone who needs extra space. There’s also a big backyard where you can enjoy outdoor activities. This home needs some work, but with a bit of love and care, it can become a wonderful place to live. If you enjoy fixing things and want a project, this house might be just what you’re looking for.

For more information, please contact the listing agent through the Zillow link provided below the photos.

Listed on Zillow

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